
Hi, I'm Barrett

I've bootstrapped multiple seven-figure companies and am sharing hard-earned lessons and insights about entrepreneurship.

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$48,600 week on FB Marketplace, challenges of reinvesting profits, and negotiating leases

Hey Everyone, $48,600 week on FaceBook Marketplace: I may be late to the party here, but the FB marketplace is incredible -- if you're a good copywriter. The post below, advertising warehouse space, has led to 652 clicks in 6 days, $4,050 of monthly revenue, and 10+ additional leads that can turn into revenue. So, who is paying? - Local truck driver is paying $1,000/mo. to store his trucks behind my building (not visible from the road.- Longhaul truck driver (Boston to Austin) needs a place...

For entrepreneurship to be worth it you need to make 2-3x the money you could at a job. Many will disagree with me, but frankly, I think it's a cope to justify their decision to hang their own shingle. I truly think many would be happier working for somebody else. Entrepreneurship culture glamorizes the good parts but doesn't touch the bad parts. When things are good you're on top of the world, but when things are bad it can feel all-consuming. There's a premium that makes dealing with the...

You MUST check out BoldSEO:Nick Huber and myself teamed up to launch BoldSEO. We work with 85+ clients and help them grow profits with SEO. Our team is top notch, especially Simon Purdon, who is the brains behind the strategy and offers. This Monday, April 8th, I'm opening up my calendar to operators who want to learn about our offers. Book with me hereLast week I did a "spur of the moment" tweet about the time an employee try to steal $30,000 from me. It got bigtime engagement so I figured...

Quick note...If you need a new website (and don't want to break the bank) check out 72 Hour Sites. Sam Thompson (the owner) is the best web designer I've worked with and just about everyone else on Twitter agrees. He's turning🔥sites around in 3 days! If you want to close more deals, have higher conversions, and impress clients visit the site here. He's the 👑of websites. Thinking bigger reduces the risk of failure. Thinking small invites it. I recently read the book 10x is Easier Than 2x by...

Hey Everybody, I have great news! Industrial real estate deal flow is beginning to pick up. If you want access to my private deals join my list here. I'm so bullish on industrial in New England, this newsletter issue shows why.I'm also bullish on cash-flowing SMBs. Entrepreneurs from Harvard, Stanford, Penn, etc. are personally guaranteeing SBA loans to buy and operate companies. My friend Jackson (Stanford MBA) has built a deal flow channel to invest in these searchers. Accredited investors...

Hey Everybody! A quick note from our sponsor: SMBackers A Stanford MBA is synonymous with venture capital and burning millions (or billions) in the pursuit of product market fit, but not when it comes to my friend Jackson, he's hooked on cash flow. He's created a proprietary search fund syndicate that places equity into cash-flowing SMBs acquired by MBAs from Stanford, Penn, Harvard, and a few others. His thesis revolves around backing really smart operators with big personal guarantees to...

Over the last 8 months, We've scaled BoldSEO from $0 - $165K per month in revenue. I'm going to share exactly how we did it. My backlink agency, Brightline Media was cruising along at about $50K per month and had become a great asset for me and my family. Around March 2023 I was ready for a new challenge and made plans to sell it. On the day of closing (6/30/2023) the buyers had a problem -- they had no cash. So I decided to team up with Nick Huber to create BoldSEO. Our goal is to create a...

Last Month, we closed on this ~24,000 sf property approximately 25 miles from Boston. Before we dive in... Why Class B Industrial? 1980s-era high bay warehouses aren't known for their beautiful facades and impressive architecture, but they are great investments (in my opinion do your due diligence) for a variety of reasons: NNN Leases - taxes, insurance, maintenance, and utilities billed to tenants Flat Land - easy to convert to lots to multifamily which garner a higher price Tenant Base -...

"Many people are full of shit and are happy to waste your time and money." - Barrett J. O'Neill (me, I said this) I’ve been quiet the past few months, but I’ve been working on BIG things behind the scenes. Acquired this property in November 2023 Here's the high-level... Buying more industrial real estate Failed company sale Starting a business with Nick Huber Compounding my storage company Let's get started... Failed Company Sale: Last February, I was introduced to a group (who turned out to...

When you're making decisions about business, money, health, etc., the driving force is risk -- what do I lose if this doesn't go right? We've all read countless threads on loss aversion (so I won't bore you). Still, it's interesting to consider the life-long implications of allowing downside uncertainty to control our lives and personal growth. Here's my one-sentence take on it: The default view of risk makes it easier to do nothing because people value certainty more than improving their...