Certainty is the Enemy of Growth

When you're making decisions about business, money, health, etc., the driving force is risk -- what do I lose if this doesn't go right?

We've all read countless threads on loss aversion (so I won't bore you). Still, it's interesting to consider the life-long implications of allowing downside uncertainty to control our lives and personal growth.

Here's my one-sentence take on it:

The default view of risk makes it easier to do nothing because people value certainty more than improving their outcomes and personal growth.

Certainty is the enemy of growth.

And risk is the tax that must be paid for the opportunity to grow, improve your situation, and achieve big things.

Now, I'm not suggesting ignoring the downside of a given situation, but I am presenting the idea that you should focus (heavily) on what can be gained.

The REAL Risk is allowing life to pass you by, paralyzed by the desire for certainty at the expense of growth. Risk-free sounds good on paper, but I genuinely believe the absence of risk will leave you unhappy and wanting more.

Think about some of the great stories of history:

  • Founding of America
  • Lewis and Clark
  • Ernest Shackleton
  • More

All of these people chose adventure and growth in the face of certain death, compare that with the risks faced in business, like losing some money, publicly failing, etc., and it seems silly.

Also, the perceived risk usually isn't as bad as it seems. It just tends to be the center of hyper-focus for most.

Final thought:

Growth and achievement are the dividends of embracing risk, taking action, and overcoming challenges. So the next time you have a big decision to make, don't forget to ask.... "what do I gain if this goes right?"


Hi, I'm Barrett

I've bootstrapped multiple seven-figure companies and am sharing hard-earned lessons and insights about entrepreneurship.

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