Failed company sale, starting a business with Nick Huber, and buying metal boxes.

"Many people are full of shit and are happy to waste your time and money." - Barrett J. O'Neill (me, I said this)

I’ve been quiet the past few months, but I’ve been working on BIG things behind the scenes.

Here's the high-level...

  • Buying more industrial real estate
  • Failed company sale
  • Starting a business with Nick Huber
  • Compounding my storage company

Let's get started...

Failed Company Sale:

Last February, I was introduced to a group (who turned out to be morons) that wanted to acquire my backlink agency, Brightline. I'll preface this with the following advice:

If somebody wants to buy your business in cash, force them to show you proof of funds or financing commitment. You must perform due diligence on your buyers as they do on you. Many people are full of shit and are happy to waste your time and money to feel busy and important.


I spent 5.5 (obnoxious) months and $25,000 in legal fees to complete the deal. The whole package was agreed and set to close on 6/30. They only needed one signature on a DocuSign and to send a wire, literally at the finish line.

On 6/30, at my friend's wedding, I was informed the buyers couldn’t perform because they didn’t have cash…WTF

Needless to say, I was pissed off, and trust me, I let them know with a strongly worded phone call. I tore this guy to shreds.

Starting a Company with Nick Huber:

After taking a few weeks, I decided to sell Brightline to BoldSEO to build an epic link / SEO agency with Nick Huber.

We used to compete against each other in Boston for student storage customers, so it's fun to be on the same side of the table.

Our results have been great so far.

This company has insane potential, elite processes, and a killer team.

I’m glad things worked out the way they did, though I’d like my $25,000 back.

OnDemand Storage:

We continue to grow at OnDemand Storage, my commercial storage and specialized logistics company. Each month, we’re compounding MRR by adding long-term commercial storage customers.

Commercial storage and specialized logistics are exploding because the rising cost of industrial real estate makes vertical integration less attractive, so companies are looking for vendors who can handle it.

Our best relationships last years or more.

We recently signed a publicly traded company in our largest deal worth multiple 6 figs in LTV.

I’m bullish on ODS and plan to own it for 50+ years and let time do its thing. I need a business that operates in the “real world” because they’re harder to tear down, and something about it is cooler than a “digital business.”

This company will print millions in profit in the next few years, has a sharp team, and is ready for the next level.

It’s also paving the way to buy more CRE!

Industrial Real Estate:

In 2022, I helped lead a commercial real estate investment into an industrial building in Metro Boston and knew I had found a passion.

I loved everything about pitching the deal and strategizing how we’d add value. I knew I wanted to buy $100s of millions worth of industrial RE.

So, I began arranging capital, building broker relationships, and networking with owners.

Last month, we closed our second deal, pictured above (above), and I believe it's a great building acquired at an excellent price. I will share a full breakdown next week.

I’m getting these processes dialed and am fired up for acquisitions in 2024.

Hi, I'm Barrett

I've bootstrapped multiple seven-figure companies and am sharing hard-earned lessons and insights about entrepreneurship.

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